Telecommunications Operators

Two general categories of such operators exist, those creating new telecommunications businesses and those involved in the ongoing evolution of existing telecommunication businesses.

Those creating new communications businesses require all the skills and resources detailed under network creation. All of which are supported by Wayes and it's associates. The aim being to have, at launch a fully documented system/business build level with associated business processes to enable ongoing management of network and administration infrastructure and target customer base. While linking each to the organisational structure created to manage the business.

Those evolving networks through, extension, re-configuration and enhancement face differing challenges. They need to continually audit their network, support infrastructure, business processes to seek general operational improvement in network operation and customer service delivery. They instigate market trials of new products and services creating an environment that provides their requirements and allows the introduction of them into an operational network with no disruption to existing customer service levels and minimal disruption to business processes. See support services

Both activities require highly skilled resources working at all managerial levels. All of which are supported by Wayes.